Wednesday, 16 February 2011

Well done colleagues

Well most of you!  As you are aware I'm trying, and so far succeeding, to lose weight naturally without the aid of Fitness classes, Weight loss classes etc. ie just cutting DOWN (not out) most of the very tasty cr@p I used to eat in vast quantities. No-one (including Loopy Lou) will convince me that a perfectly created sausage roll or pasty is just wrong and bad for you. One or more a day, then fair point!

So, since the start of January, most days you will find me in the work kitchenette preparing and eating my boring salad or rice based lunch with cooked meat. We have two tall fridges in the kitchenette and it is with great credit to colleagues that the fridge is filled with lots of healthy goodies which they bring in. So I really don't feel so bad.

However Fridays are a different matter. Imagine the sceanrio. There I am quite "happy" (grrr) with my ham salad sandwich (wholemeal bread, smidgin or super-duper low fat low cholesterol spread) when someone has just been to the chippy and sits opposite me with sausage in batter with chips drenched in curry sauce! And to rub salt into the wounds I'm even offered a chip!

Therefore every Friday I go to town and weigh, and try and avoid the kitchenette!  That said, before we moved office last year, Friday was always my Chips Day, so I really can't pass judgement. Oh alright I will - b@st@rds!!!!

Back to the original topic - well done troops. We may have a dwindling workforce but at least we're a relatively healthy one

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